General Information
SARCOS invites researchers to submit proposals for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM). Applications from Early Stage Researchers (ESR) are particularly encouraged.
If you are an ESR from an eligible participating countries; namely another Participating COST Country, an approved COST Near Neighbour Country (NNC) or an approved International Partners Country (IPC), you can apply for a grant to carry out a Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM). To check whether your country has signed up to the Action, go to http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/ca/CA15202?parties.
A short-term scientific mission is a visit from an ESR based in one COST participating country to an institute in another COST participating country. This could be to work on a jointly authored article, to carry out labwork, to learn a new research method, to work on a joint research proposal or any other activity linked to your research on self-healing as preventive repair for concrete structures.
Applicants must make a clear case that their STSM is relevant to the topic of our Action.They should specificy the expected outcome and explain clearly not only how the STSM will enhance their own research but also why the host Institution is appropriate and what value will be added by the collaboration.They must also ensure that they can provide evidence of the commitment of the host Institution to host the STSM and provide the name of the person in the host Institution who will supervise it.
STSM applicants must be engaged in a research programme as a postgraduate student or postdoctoral fellow, or be employed by or officially affiliated to an institution or legal entity. This institution is considered as the Home institution.
Expression of Interest
Call for Applications is NOW OPEN
Dear SARCOS participants,
On behalf of our STSM Coordinator, Prof. Emilija Fidanchevski, we are pleased to launch the 9th call for STSM in the SARCOS (CA 15202) COST Action.
The selection of STSM applicants will be based on the scientific scope of the application and how it can support the COST Action in achieving its scientific objectives, and will take into account the COST Policy and Rules with special attention on Inclusiveness and Excellence.
The call will have the following characteristics:
- Applications can be submitted from now until further notice (when the allocated budget is finished).
- Applications will be treated on a first come, first served basis, after checking the suitability of the applicant and their application.
- The missions have to finish before March 1st, 2021, one month before the end of the Action (March 30th, 2021). In the case the mission ends during the second half of February, grantees are kindly requested to submit their scientific report in 2 weeks (instead of the usual 30 days). Otherwise we would have difficulties to process the payment of their grant and our commitment to submit our Financial Report to COST when requested would be endangered.
- // COVID-19 //Given the current pandemic, applicants are requested to accept the responsibilities of potential problems with the traveling restrictions they might face due to the global COVID-19 situation. They will be requested to sign the written document ("Acceptance of responsibilities STSM") to make this commitment official.
- Please send 2-6 pictures of you working during your stay, so we can publish them in the webpage of the Action. The scientific report will be published in the members area.
- Grantees who have never been reimbursed by the UPV should send Pepa (ghmanager.upv@gmail.com) the form "Dates_address_bank" filled in and signed, together with a copy of their passport, in order to be included in the UPV database as a third party for making the payment. In the case the grantee requests the grant in a Spanish bank account, please fill in the form "Datos_Tercero". Moreover, those with a Spanish DNI, should provide this instead of their passport. The transfer of the grant should be done, preferably, to the grantee's personal bank account. If this is totally impossible, please let Pepa know and she will inform you about how to proceed.
- Submitting an application implies the acceptance of all the above mentioned conditions and characteristics of the call.
Please consider the required documents and remember that all applicants will need to upload the application documents in the moment they submit their proposal in the e-cost system.
Thank you and kind regards,
Emilija Fidanchevski (STSM coordinator)
Mercedes Sánchez Moreno (Chair)
Pepa Bayarri (Grant Holder Manager)
Annex documents:
Template Application (in MSWord format): Motivation and Workplan, Letter of Support (Home institution), Written Agreement (Host institution)
In the following guides you will find the general rules for STSM and indications for preparing applications. All of them can be downloaded from https://www.cost.eu/funding/how-to-get-funding/documents-and-guidelines/:
– COST Vademecum (there's a new version, May 2020)
– Guidelines for Action management, monitoring and assessment
– Short term scientific mission (STSM) user guide
||COVID-19|| Acceptance of responsibilities STSM document
After the STSM
The grantee is required to submit a scientific report, together with the host confirmation (templates downloadable below), via e-cost, within 30 days after the end date of the STSM or within 2 weeks in teh case the mission ends during the second half of February. In the case the mission ends during the second half of March, grantees are kindly requested to submit their scientific report in 2 weeks (instead of the usual 30 days). A set of 2-4 pictures (or a collage) should also be sent to Pepa Bayarri (ghmanager.upv@gmail.com), to be published in the website.
Template STSM report and Confirmation by SARCOS host (in MSWord format) can be found here.
COST Action CA15202 STSM Coordinator: Prof Emilija FIDANCHEVSKI (emilijaf@tmf.ukim.edu.mk)
Awarded STSMs