How to join the SARCOS COST Action CA15202:
To join the Action, please refer to the COST Participate webpage for the rules and further information.
If your country is not represented in the Management Committee, you need to contact the COST National Coordinator for your country and inquire about the Action. The participation of your country will need to be approved by our Management Committee before you can officially participate.
If you country is already part of the Action and there is still availability for a Management Committee member or Management Committee substitute, you need to contact your COST National Coordinator and inquire about the procedure to be nominated.
Management committee members take part in the policy decisions regarding the Action and are reimbursed by the Action when participating in its activities. A substitute member may participate and be reimbursed only when one of the members is unable to attend a Management Committee meeting.
MC Chair: Dr Mercedes Sanchez Moreno, mercesanc@ietcc.csic.es
MC Vice Chair: Prof Nele De Belie, nele.debelie@ugent.be
COST Science Officer: Dr Monica PEREZ-CABERO, COST Association, monica.perez@cost.eu
Administrative Officer: Ms Milena STOYANOVA, COST Association, milena.stoyanova@cost.eu, +32(0)25333800